All functions |
Create a basic plot using ggplot |
Bind both |
Bind both table |
Clean the legend of a plotly object |
Get a user-friendly display name |
dropdownTabDirect function |
dropdownTabMenu function |
Filter with lists |
Gantt Chart Shiny App |
Create a Gantt plot using ggplot and plotly |
Set ggplot basic settings |
Make ggplotly and add legend with color as title |
Grid boxplot |
Grid histogram |
Keep only relevant values |
Keep values |
pickerGanttValues function |
pickerGanttVar function |
pickerSankeyValues function |
pickerSankeyVar function |
pickerSplitVar function |
pickerValues function |
pickerVar function |
Prepare a dataframe |
Prepare summarized dataframe |
Prepare summarized and aggregated dataframe |
Prepare a data table for displaying |
present_and_correct function |
Quietly run a function |
Create a Sankey plot using ggplot and ggalluvial |
UI function for single module dashboard |
Stacked bar chart |
tabTableOne function |
tabTableTwo function |
taskItemTab function |
Transform input |
Wrapped chart |