This function binds two dataframes row-wise and performs additional manipulations depending on the 'type'. The function also reorders the factor levels of the specified facet variable.
A dataframe to be combined
A dataframe to be combined
An identifier string specifying the type of operation
A character vector specifying the column to be used for the left dataframe
A character vector specifying the column to be used for the right dataframe
A symbol specifying the variable to be used for faceting
A symbol specifying the variable to be used for the facet name
A dataframe obtained by binding dfLeft and dfRight, with additional transformations applied
df1 <- data.frame(x = 1:5, y = rnorm(5), VIS_Groep_naam = "One")
df2 <- data.frame(x = 6:10, y = rnorm(5), VIS_Groep_naam = "Two")
df_both <- bind_both(df1, df2, id = "test",
y_left = "y", y_right = "y",
facet_var = rlang::sym("x"))